
Elevating Hair Care Excellence Online with Kola Digital

Marian Egan is an Irish artist and a certified kinesiologist who has been helping people overcome their physical, emotional, and mental health challenges for over 20 years.

She is passionate about sharing her knowledge and skills with others who want to improve their well-being and live a more fulfilling life.

That’s why she decided to create an online course that would teach her unique method of using card decks to access the subconscious mind and heal the body.

However, Marian faced a major obstacle in reaching her potential customers: her existing website was outdated, slow, and difficult to navigate. It did not reflect her professional image or showcase her services effectively. She realized that she needed a new online platform that would be both functional and attractive, and that would allow her to sell her products and courses online.

She also wanted to have a booking system that would make it easy for her clients to schedule appointments with her. Moreover, she wanted to have a fresh online presence that would attract more visitors and increase her brand awareness.

That’s when she contacted us at Kola Digital, a leading web design and digital marketing agency based in Dublin, Ireland. As her marketing manager, our initial meeting was crucial in outlining the pillars of her objectives.

Our collaborative approach ensured we understood her vision for an e-commerce shop, an online course platform, a booking system , and the sale of her unique card deck courses with this irish artist. Additionally, Marian desired a fresh online presence and sought marketing consultancy to guide her towards achieving her website goals from this irish artist.

The Process

Our journey began with a comprehensive in-person meeting, where we meticulously planned every aspect of the website development.

Moving into the design phase, we carefully structured the presentation of Marian’s services, the customer journey, and the integration of her online shop and courses.

We presented two design variations, combining elements from both to create a final design that resonated with Marian’s vision of her brand identity and values.

Estimated at 4-6 weeks, involved weekly
meetings with our Managing Director, Krystle

The project timeline, estimated at 4-6 weeks, involved weekly meetings with our Managing Director, Krystle, who guided Marian through content development and provided valuable training in graphic design, email marketing, and Facebook promotion.

We also helped Marian choose the best platform for online courses and video training platforms that would suit her needs and budget.

We ensured that her courses were engaging, informative, and easy to follow, and that they showcased her expertise and credibility as a kinesiologist and an Irish artist.

Our development process ensured that Marian’s website met all her goals, with rigorous testing of each component before the final delivery. The website seamlessly incorporates an online store, course area, reservation system, card deck courses and other services. It also has a blog section where Marian can share her ideas and advice on various topics related to health and nutrition, kinesiology and art.

The website is responsive, fast and secure, and follows SEO and user experience best practices. Our partnership with Marian extends beyond website development as we continue to collaborate on promoting her brand and services.

Marian's success story reflects the transformative power of strategic planning, design excellence, and ongoing support from Kola Digital.

Marian expressed her satisfaction with a glowing 5-star Google review:

“Wonderful service from Krystle at Kola Digital. I highly recommend her professional approach and support from her. A MAJOR improvement. Thank you so much Krystle. LOVE IT!!! !”

As part of our portfolio, we are proud to showcase Marian’s Portfolio as one of our successful projects.

We have created a dedicated page for Marian Egan an Irish Artist, where we highlight the main features and benefits of her website, as well as the testimonials and feedback from her customers.

We hope that by sharing Marian’s story, we can inspire other entrepreneurs and professionals who are looking for a reliable and creative web design and digital marketing agency to help them achieve their online goals.

Are you interested in working with us to create your own stunning website and grow your online business?

Contact us today and let us know how we can help you. We offer a free consultation and a quote for your project. 

Whether you need a simple landing page, a complex e-commerce site, or a platform for online courses, we have the skills and experience to deliver it. 

Don’t miss this opportunity to work with one of the best web design and digital marketing agencies in Ireland.